Monday, September 16, 2024

Mug Shot: Austin Bat Mug

Now, at first glance, you might think I'm coming in early for Halloween. But, nope. This mug celebrates Austin's bat population. In fact the background photo is titled,  "The Nightly Bat Flight from the Congress Street Bridge in Austin, TX". 

Before I moved here, I didn't know that this was a thing. There's a similar phenomenon that happens in Sydney, Australia--which I've witnessed--but I had NO IDEA about Austin. But here's a link in case you're interested in learning more:

And that's pretty much all I have to say about that. It's pretty much my grandson's favorite mug (because he thinks it's Halloween-themed, too) and it does have a handle, in case you were wondering, but I couldn't get the handle and AUSTIN in the same shot. 

I bought this mug at The Oasis on Lake Travis, just north of Austin (still technically Austin, I suppose) which is a great spot for brunch or (I guess) viewing the sunset...if you live out that way or don't mind being stuck in traffic on the way home.  Sorry, Not Sorry. I've grown to loathe traffic in recent years. 

Even though this is not--strictly speaking--a Halloween mug, it fits this week because I am annotating Visions Before Midnight, which is A. Set at Halloween and B. has A LOT to do with the Natural World (not to mention Biology and Botany and other Natural Sciences). One of the main characters works in a high school as a teaching assistant and the other runs a nature center that focuses on Native American history and culture--particularly how it applies to animals and plants. 

I don't think I have a scene with bats in it, but it would be totally appropriate if I did. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Mug Shot: Snooze Mug


As I mentioned last week, I love this shade of goldenrod yellow. I'm pretty sure that's what that color is called. My father, who built and painted a lot of the furniture that I also mentioned last week was violently allergic to goldenrod, hence the connection in my brain, I guess? But I digress. 

This mug (containing what's probably my last lavender latte of the season) is from Snooze. Which is probably my favorite local breakfast hangout at the moment. Snooze has a distinctly Mid-Century Modern vibe...which circles around to that goldenrod shade, which was popular then as well. It's wild to think that in another twenty-to-thirty years we'll have circled back to Mid Century. Not sure I'll make it, but damn, I sure would like to. 

But let's move on. The quote in the picture above comes from my newest release, Giada Mazzi is Living her Best Life which came out last week as part of the Love and Espresso Anthology. 

I'm very pleased with how this story turned out. It's a Second Chance, LGBTQIA2S+, NA Romance set in my favorite New Jersey Shore town, Atlas Beach. 

Love and Espresso

(A Limited Edition Contemporary Romance Anthology)


This collection features meet-cutes that take place in a bookstore/coffee shop. The heroines are looking for their HEA but never expected it to happen while picking up a cup of coffee or picking out their next book boyfriend.


Includes my new Atlas Beach story, Giada Mazzi is Living her Best Life:


"Life is more than just the lies we try and tell ourselves about what we’ve done and who we are.

 I guess the truth is that I never stopped loving Ben. And I never stopped imagining how different my life might have been if he were only the person I needed him to be, instead of the person that he is. Which is silly, right? I mean, truly; it’s laughable. Because if he were someone else, he wouldn’t be him.  And the world is already full of people like that. What good is one more gonna do me?

Besides, if I’m honest, Ben wasn’t ever the problem. That was me. I was never the person he believed me to be. Oh, I thought I was, in the beginning. I tried hard to be, and that worked for a while. Sort of. But eventually I reached the point where I had to make a choice between living life for myself, or for everyone else.

And when it came right down to that…how could I not choose me?"

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

What I'm Reading: Fall Fantasy Book Fair




Tuesday, September 3, 2024

New Release: Love and Espresso!

Love and Espresso

(A Limited Edition Contemporary Romance Anthology) 

This collection features meet-cutes that take place in a bookstore/coffee shop. The heroines are looking for their HEA but never expected it to happen while picking up a cup of coffee or picking out their next book boyfriend.


Includes my new Atlas Beach story, Giada Mazzi is Living her Best Life:


"Life is more than just the lies we try and tell ourselves about what we’ve done and who we are.

 I guess the truth is that I never stopped loving Ben. And I never stopped imagining how different my life might have been if he were only the person I needed him to be, instead of the person that he is. Which is silly, right? I mean, truly; it’s laughable. Because if he were someone else, he wouldn’t be him.  And the world is already full of people like that. What good is one more gonna do me?

Besides, if I’m honest, Ben wasn’t ever the problem. That was me. I was never the person he believed me to be. Oh, I thought I was, in the beginning. I tried hard to be, and that worked for a while. Sort of. But eventually I reached the point where I had to make a choice between living life for myself, or for everyone else.

And when it came right down to that…how could I not choose me?"

Monday, September 2, 2024

Mug Shot: Rae Dunn Fall Y'all Mug's Fall in my head--thanks to the new story I'm working on, my newest release (which is out tomorrow!!) AND the two Oberon books that I'm currently editing/annotating. And it's (almost) Fall in real life, as well. So we'll be exploring Fall mugs for the next few weeks. 

First up is this mug by Rae Dunn. I'm pretty sure I mentioned my obsession with those last years, so we'll skip that now. I love the color of this mug. As a child, my bedroom furniture was painted a similar color and I LOVED it. So happy and cheery.  It was the sixties, so I had a coat the same color with big black buttons. And then lost all of it in a house fire when I was eleven. 

But I digress...

I love that I can pretend these mugs are bespoke, even when I know better. I love the satiny finish. I love the large size that holds several cups of coffee...or tea, or cocoa, or what have you. 

This morning I switched my usual brew from my summery lavender-flavored coffee to one flavored with cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cardamom.  It's Fall y'all, and I'm loving it. 

Love and Espresso

(A Limited Edition Contemporary Romance Anthology)


This collection features meet-cutes that take place in a bookstore/coffee shop. The heroines are looking for their HEA but never expected it to happen while picking up a cup of coffee or picking out their next book boyfriend.


Includes my new Atlas Beach story, Giada Mazzi is Living her Best Life