Thursday, July 25, 2024

Cover Reveal! Spicy Nick--releases this December!

I'm excited for this book, which is set to take place the same Christmas as my short story, I'll Be Home for Christmas, which will also be releasing in December. THAT story is very paranormal. It was HUGE fun to write and it DOES have a happy ending, but the H/H get short-changed on a lot of the fun and all of the sexytimes.

This "companion book" reverses that. It's pretty much all fun and sexytimes. Although I certainly would never rule out the appearance of an angel or two. It's Christmas in Oberon, after all!

Spicy Nick

Part of the Naughty List
An Oberon Christmas Story

It’s beginning to look a lot like NIX-mas!

 Nick Greco is getting worried. His wife has never been a big fan of the holiday season, but this year she seems more distant than ever before. In fact, the last time that he can remember seeing her this distracted was right before their wedding—when she tried to back out of marrying him.

 Can you get cold feet after the fact? Is Scout feeling overwhelmed by the holidays? Or underwhelmed by…gulp…him?

 Whatever the cause, Nick has a plan. He’s going to spice up their marriage and put the heat back in the holidays. And when he’s done, Scout won’t be saying, “Bah Humbug!” She’ll be saying, “ho, ho…OH!

Now available for pre-order. Scheduled for release December 8, 2024 as part of The Naughty List collection.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Mug Shot: Texas Stars Mug


I love this mug. It's big and it's bright--yes, I'm still talking about the mug. It's a great size and yet it's not that heavy and the design is playful and fun.  I bought this in Fort Worth on a recent trip. And I've been using it almost every day since.  

It reminds me of Touch of a Vanished Hand, which I re-released recently. EVERYONE in that book talks about stars, looks at stars, wishes upon stars...I didn't even realize how much of a thing that was until I went looking for an excerpt and kept coming up with more and more and more of them.

In the end, I decided there were too many to chose between. But it's a really good book (if I do say so myself) so maybe you should just get it and read it for yourself. lol

Touch of a Vanished Hand

Oberon Book 5.0

 Sinead Quinn has always been something of a drifter.   But now, with her ex-husband trying to blackmail her, and her ex-boyfriend's widow trying to put her in jail, she has no choice but to go to ground.  What better place to hide than with your family?   After all, what are sisters for?  Especially when you're a twin.


But the first rule of hiding out, is to keep a low profile.  And that does not mean kissing your sister's boyfriend (even if he can't tell the two of you apart); rescuing a troubled teen; or taking a highly visible job as hostess of Oberon's most celebrated new inn.


 Adam Sasso has always dreamed big.  But big dreams beget big complications.  First, his goal to turn the vineyard he inherited from his grandfather into a world-class winery is threatened by a mysterious saboteur.  Next, his plan to run the finest bed & breakfast Oberon has ever seen, is broadsided by a hostess who wants to run him.  Finally, it seems his fondest wish, of finding love-everlasting with the soul mate of his dreams, is about to go up in smoke when he can't convince her that they're destined to be together.


 This summer, it's going to take all the wizardry in Oberon to craft a happy ending for the drifter and the dreamer.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Mug Shot: Nashville Mug


So. No surprise here. I bought this mug on a recent trip to Nashville. What is somewhat surprising, is that I haven't gotten a chance to use it. It's been entirely commandeered by my husband. 

He loves this mug almost as much as he did Nashville.  

I've visited Nashville twice now and I actually do have a Nashville-set story in the works. It's a spin-off from the Heartwood Texas stories that I'm releasing next year. 

Not sure yet when  the Nashville story will make it into print. But I'll keep you posted. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

New Release! Touch of a Vanished Hand is out!

Touch of a Vanished Hand

Oberon Book 5.0

PG Forte

Paranormal Romantic Suspense

 Sinead Quinn has always been something of a drifter.   But now, with her ex-husband trying to blackmail her, and her ex-boyfriend's widow trying to put her in jail, she has no choice but to go to ground.  What better place to hide than with your family?   After all, what are sisters for?  Especially when you're a twin.


But the first rule of hiding out, is to keep a low profile.  And that does not mean kissing your sister's boyfriend (even if he can't tell the two of you apart); rescuing a troubled teen; or taking a highly visible job as hostess of Oberon's most celebrated new inn.


 Adam Sasso has always dreamed big.  But big dreams beget big complications.  First, his goal to turn the vineyard he inherited from his grandfather into a world-class winery is threatened by a mysterious saboteur.  Next, his plan to run the finest bed & breakfast Oberon has ever seen, is broadsided by a hostess who wants to run him.  Finally, it seems his fondest wish, of finding love-everlasting with the soul mate of his dreams, is about to go up in smoke when he can't convince her that they're destined to be together.


 This summer, it's going to take all the wizardry in Oberon to craft a happy ending for the drifter and the dreamer.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Mug Shot: Sunflower Mug


My grandson asked me to get this mug because it reminded him of the sunflowers that grow in my yard every summer--and that he and I love. That's it, really. not the most inspired post, but it's a very pretty mug and the sunflowers are in bloom. So this is a nice mug to drink my coffee out of whilst sitting in my yard enjoying the flowers. 

Except not today, since apparently we're expecting a hurricane--something I never had to worry about in California. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Mug Shot: Destin Beach Mug


So I got this mug on a recent trip to Florida. I'd lived in Florida in the very early Oughts, and this was practically the first time I'd been back since. I assume the reason I picked this mug (well, one of them) is obvious: With it's bare clay (sand colored) bottom and the translucent turquoise glaze above, i t looks like the beach. The second reason is less obvious, although I've mentioned before that I've been loving that glaze combination lately, and now have several like it. 

The picture was taken outside our hotel in Fort Walton Beach. They have a little tiny (possibly faux) beach for guests. We were right across the parking lot from The Shack, which is a cute little place, right on the water, live music at night (live music at night even when you're in the hotel across the parking lot trying to sleep, but it was a Friday night and the music wasn't bad, so it was fine) and possibly the best Key Lime Pie you'll ever eat. Our waitress (Whitney) said she has a friend from the keys who agrees with that assessment. So, there you have it.  

Whenever I think of Florida, I think of this song that I used to listen to when we knew we were moving there--and out of the Best. House. Ever. in Paso Robles, CA.  I cried when we crossed the border on our way out of California, and cried again (from happiness) when I drove back two years later (you can read more about that HERE).

Now, I'm living in Texas. I'm still adjusting to that. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Mug Shot: Choctaw Casino Mug


Here's my Choctaw Casino mug. I was on a deadline when we visited, and I didn't see much of anything other than the hotel room (which was very nice, btw--fabulous shower!) but I got this mug because of its color and size. It matches my grandmother's vintage Fiesta Ware. I've always loved this sunshiny yellow. It's perfect for summer, it's perfect for breakfast or a light snack. I do have some full-sized plates, but mostly I use the small ones. 

And because I don't really have anything else to say about that, here's an excerpt from my latest (re)release, A Taste of Honey.

If Oberon was ever the type of funky beach town where teenaged girls with sun bleached hair, driving station wagons with surfboards tied to the roof was a common sight, it certainly is not that way anymore.  So when Lucy Greco-Cavanaugh did happen to spy one, rolling down Main Street one sunny morning late in April, followed only a few minutes later, by a longhaired young man in a VW convertible rabbit, also with surfboard attached, she knew something strange was up.

Perhaps someone was making a movie, she reasoned.  Or maybe—and being a lifetime resident of Oberon, this was of course the theory she favored—a sudden tear in the fabric of space-time had inadvertently allowed her to take a nostalgic glimpse back in time to the California-dreamin’ fantasies of an earlier age.1

Not coincidentally, this time displacement theory was one that she found herself applying to more and more events of late.  She was thirty-seven years old, and she had memories that spanned most of those years, albeit, with varying amounts of clarity.  But somehow, lately, it was almost as if all those memories didn’t quite add up the way they should.  For several months now, she had been aware of a vague sense of dissatisfaction growing within her, coupled with a worrisome preoccupation with the past.  As if some invisible anchor line that had once kept her mind tethered in the present had been cut.  No matter how hard she tried to stay focused, her mind kept drifting back to places it had already been.

Perhaps it had to do with the fact that while everyone around her seemed suddenly immersed in fresh new lives and new loves, she’d had to content herself with more of the same old, same old.  Not that there was any part of her life that she wanted to change, she reminded herself sternly.  She took a moment to rap her knuckles against the side of one of the wooden half barrels that served as planters on the terrace of the tea shop where she and her two best friends were having breakfast.  The same old everything she had was pretty damn great.  

She had two wonderful kids, satisfying work, a comfortable house, and she’d been happily married to the love of her life for the past sixteen and a half years.  It was just that, after all those years, everything seemed to have gotten the slightest bit stale.  She couldn’t help but remember how things used to be—

“Okay, Lucy,” Marsha snapped,  “What’s wrong?  You’ve been sitting here sighing to yourself for the past half-hour.  You’re driving me nuts.”   

Lucy frowned as she reached across the table for the pot of lavender honey. 2 “Nothing’s wrong,” she answered.  She could feel both Marsha and Scout eyeing her curiously as she occupied herself for several minutes deliberately drizzling the honey over the buttered French baguette on her plate, but she refused to return their gazes.  “And anyway, I was not sighing.”

“You were sighing,” Marsha insisted.  “Wasn’t she sighing, Scout?”

Lucy looked up impatiently as Scout turned weary hazel eyes in her direction. “What can I say, Lucy?  It sounded like sighing to me, too.”  Scout shrugged, absently stroking her baby’s head.  Three-week-old Cole, who was turning out to be one of those preternaturally alert infants who have to be held all the time, had finally fallen asleep at her breast.  

“Well, you’re wrong.  Both of you.”  Lucy took a big bite of bread and honey and stared defiantly at her friends: Marsha with her new boyfriend, and Scout with both a new husband and a new baby.  There was no way she was ever going to discuss what was bothering her with either of them.

She couldn’t believe that, with everything she had to be grateful for, she could still be so petty.  She couldn’t believe that she would actually begrudge her two best friends a little happiness.  But the plain fact of the matter was that she was so jealous of both of them, it was a wonder she wasn’t as green as an avocado.  She saw the way Sam acted around Marsha, the way Nick looked at Scout, and she knew that once, she and Dan had been that way, too.  Somewhere along the way it seemed they had lost that.  

And she wanted it back.  Oh, how she wanted it back!  But, after all these years—she wasn’t sure that was even possible.  

You couldn’t recreate newness, could you?  You couldn’t expect to discover anything too different about the same old person you’d been regularly and intimately exploring for almost two decades.  And how could anyone ever hope to recapture the exquisite torture of doubt and uncertainty that so often accompanied the first stages of love?  She wasn’t even sure she wanted to—except when she remembered the way the agony transformed into ecstasy…

Be careful what you wish for, a soft voice seemed to whisper in her head.3  She shivered as a gust of wind swept across the terrace setting the wind chimes to tinkling in the trees around them.  Lavender spikes swayed on their long stems and the tiny pink Cecile Brunner roses4 that covered the arbor over their heads shed a few more petals onto the table.  Cole whimpered slightly.  Lucy watched as Scout wrapped his blanket more snugly around her baby and Marsha picked the petals out of her teacup.   

A Taste Of Honey

Oberon Book 4.0

For Lucy Greco Cavanaugh, life is a dream come true.  She has it all. The perfect family. The perfect husband. The perfect marriage. What more could she wish for?  Other than the chance to do it all again. To experience once more the agony and ecstasy of falling in love with the man of her dreams. To recapture the joy and uncertainty that comes with starting over.

As far as Dan Cavanaugh is concerned, his life has become a nightmare. His storybook marriage is on the line when Deirdre Shelton-Cooper, the runaway daughter of a former girlfriend arrives in Oberon intent on proving Dan is her father. Even though he's convinced the girl's claims are false, Dan decides his only chance to keep from losing everything lies in keeping her very existence a secret from his wife and family.


But, sometimes, what you don't know can hurt you--and those you love. When Deirdre, masquerading as a surfer girl named Monica, accidentally hooks up with their son, Seth, Lucy and Dan are left to wonder: has their perfect, fairy-tale romance, turned into a classic Greek tragedy?


Sometimes you get exactly what you wish for.  And it's more than you'd ever dreamed.

Download a FREE Prequel Novella:


Such Fleeting Pleasures

An Oberon Prequel Novella  


Love wasn't always strawberries and cream for Lucy and Dan Cavanaugh...or was it? In this Oberon prequel, we travel back in time to see how it all began. 

Most of the material in this prequel novella (set some eighteen years before the series begins) also appears as flashback scenes in A Taste of Honey.