Monday, July 22, 2024

Mug Shot: Texas Stars Mug


I love this mug. It's big and it's bright--yes, I'm still talking about the mug. It's a great size and yet it's not that heavy and the design is playful and fun.  I bought this in Fort Worth on a recent trip. And I've been using it almost every day since.  

It reminds me of Touch of a Vanished Hand, which I re-released recently. EVERYONE in that book talks about stars, looks at stars, wishes upon stars...I didn't even realize how much of a thing that was until I went looking for an excerpt and kept coming up with more and more and more of them.

In the end, I decided there were too many to chose between. But it's a really good book (if I do say so myself) so maybe you should just get it and read it for yourself. lol

Touch of a Vanished Hand

Oberon Book 5.0

 Sinead Quinn has always been something of a drifter.   But now, with her ex-husband trying to blackmail her, and her ex-boyfriend's widow trying to put her in jail, she has no choice but to go to ground.  What better place to hide than with your family?   After all, what are sisters for?  Especially when you're a twin.


But the first rule of hiding out, is to keep a low profile.  And that does not mean kissing your sister's boyfriend (even if he can't tell the two of you apart); rescuing a troubled teen; or taking a highly visible job as hostess of Oberon's most celebrated new inn.


 Adam Sasso has always dreamed big.  But big dreams beget big complications.  First, his goal to turn the vineyard he inherited from his grandfather into a world-class winery is threatened by a mysterious saboteur.  Next, his plan to run the finest bed & breakfast Oberon has ever seen, is broadsided by a hostess who wants to run him.  Finally, it seems his fondest wish, of finding love-everlasting with the soul mate of his dreams, is about to go up in smoke when he can't convince her that they're destined to be together.


 This summer, it's going to take all the wizardry in Oberon to craft a happy ending for the drifter and the dreamer.

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