Monday, July 29, 2024

Mug Shot: Atlas Beach Mug

 This is my Atlas Beach mug that I made to commemorate the Games We Play series.  They are available for sale, if you want one. It's been so much fun returning to my New Jersey roots for this series. The newest story drops in September as part of the Love and Espresso anthology--although, eventually I'll be releasing it on its own, and then as part of the Whole Latte Love omnibus. 

Here's a brief excerpt from Giada Mazzi is Living her Best Life, which will be available in September. 

“What are you doing in here?” my cousin Rocky demands Friday morning after nearly plowing into me with a tray of cannoli. The space between the bakery showcase and the back counter had not been designed to comfortably accommodate multiple people, especially when one of them is wielding a heavy tray of pastries and the other is holding a pot of scalding coffee. 

“You’re welcome,” I say, as I slide open the doors to the case for him. 

“Yeah, yeah. Thanks,” he mutters, slipping the tray inside, but when he turns back to face me he’s still scowling. “Seriously, though. Why?”

“Why am I here?” With a carafe in one hand and a half-filled cup in the other, I’m not sure why he’s asking. “What’s it look like, dude? I’m getting a cup of coffee.” 

Also, why does he care? DiLuca’s Italian Bakery is a family-run business. And I’m family. So, why the hell shouldn’t I be here? And yes, technically, my last name’s not DiLuca, but my mom’s was (before she married) and my dad used to work here. Which, for the record, is how they met. 

Rocky has always been the big brother I never had and really hadn’t wanted. Mostly because of the bond he had with my father. When I was a kid, I used to think that he was closer to my old man than I would ever be. Now I’m an adult and…yeah. Turns out I was right. But that’s beside the point. The thing is, I’ve been getting my coffee here for months, ever since Joe’s shut down. So you’d think he’d be used to it by now. 

“You know we don’t actually sell coffee here,” Rocky tells me now. “Right?”

“Good thing, too. Because I’m not paying for this crap. What’s your point?”

“Oh, I dunno. Maybe…it would be nice if I could make myself a pot of coffee in the morning—strong, the way I like it, with maybe a little bit of cinnamon. Not the weak-as-piss bath water I always have to make for you. Not to mention that there’s usually nothing left in the pot by the time I get to it. Which also sucks.”

I roll my eyes. Lucky for him, I can take a hint as well as anyone. “Oh, stop whining. There’s plenty left,” I tell him as I fill a second cup and hand it over. “Here. All you had to do was ask.”

“Salud,” he says, as we toast each other. Then he twists his long torso around, grabs a couple of biscotti from the jar on top of the case, and hands one to me. 

I nod my thanks. He grunts in response. Then we both lean our backs against the counter and spend a nice couple of minutes crunching and sipping in companionable silence. 

But, of course, that doesn’t last long.

“So, what’s goin’ on?” he asks, looking puzzled.  “I thought the coffee shop was finally open? I figured you’d be there now, drinking one of those fancy drinks with the mile long names.”

Which I guess explains this mud I’m currently drinking. I shake my head. “Nope. Not open yet.”

“Are you sure? Because when I drove by the other day, I noticed the paper had come off the window.”

“Yes, I’m sure. Not that it matters. Because I won’t be going in there ever again.”

“Oh?” Rocky’s expression immediately hardens into the classic DiLuca scowl. “And why’s that?” 

My first impulse is to lie. But it’s a small town. He’s gonna find out, eventually. The least I can do is control the narrative. 

“Because I just found out that my ex-boyfriend is going to be working there and…it’s awkward, okay? I don’t really want to see him.”

“Boyfriend?” Rocky repeats in surprise. “Since when you got one of those?”

“Ex,” I correct him. “And what do you mean, since when?  You think I don’t date?” Although, to be fair, it is a lot less often than I’d like. 

Rocky brushes my annoyance aside. “I don’t care about dates. I don’t want to know about your sex life any more’n I want to know about my sister’s sex life. Boyfriend though, that’s a different story. How come you never brought him around to meet the family?”

“Ooh, great idea,” I tell him. “Next time I want to scare someone away, I’ll do that.”

Love And Espresso
A Limited Edition Contemporary Romance Anthology

This collection features meet-cutes that take place in a bookstore/coffee shop. The heroines are looking for their HEA but never expected it to happen while picking up a cup of coffee or picking out their next book boyfriend. 

Includes my short novella, Giada Mazzi is Living her Best Life

"life is more than just the lies we try and tell ourselves about what we’ve done and who we are.

 I guess the truth is that I never stopped loving Ben. And I never stopped imagining how different my life might have been if he were only the person I needed him to be, instead of the person that he is. Which is silly, right? I mean, truly; it’s laughable. Because if he were someone else, he wouldn’t be him.  And the world is already full of people like that. What good is one more gonna do me?

Besides, if I’m honest, Ben wasn’t ever the problem. That was me. I was never the person he believed me to be. Oh, I thought I was, in the beginning. I tried hard to be, and that worked for a while. Sort of. But eventually I reached the point where I had to make a choice between living life for myself, or for everyone else.

And when it came right down to that…how could I not choose me?"

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Cover Reveal! Spicy Nick--releases this December!

I'm excited for this book, which is set to take place the same Christmas as my short story, I'll Be Home for Christmas, which will also be releasing in December. THAT story is very paranormal. It was HUGE fun to write and it DOES have a happy ending, but the H/H get short-changed on a lot of the fun and all of the sexytimes.

This "companion book" reverses that. It's pretty much all fun and sexytimes. Although I certainly would never rule out the appearance of an angel or two. It's Christmas in Oberon, after all!

Spicy Nick

Part of the Naughty List
An Oberon Christmas Story

It’s beginning to look a lot like NIX-mas!

 Nick Greco is getting worried. His wife has never been a big fan of the holiday season, but this year she seems more distant than ever before. In fact, the last time that he can remember seeing her this distracted was right before their wedding—when she tried to back out of marrying him.

 Can you get cold feet after the fact? Is Scout feeling overwhelmed by the holidays? Or underwhelmed by…gulp…him?

 Whatever the cause, Nick has a plan. He’s going to spice up their marriage and put the heat back in the holidays. And when he’s done, Scout won’t be saying, “Bah Humbug!” She’ll be saying, “ho, ho…OH!

Now available for pre-order. Scheduled for release December 8, 2024 as part of The Naughty List collection.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Mug Shot: Texas Stars Mug


I love this mug. It's big and it's bright--yes, I'm still talking about the mug. It's a great size and yet it's not that heavy and the design is playful and fun.  I bought this in Fort Worth on a recent trip. And I've been using it almost every day since.  

It reminds me of Touch of a Vanished Hand, which I re-released recently. EVERYONE in that book talks about stars, looks at stars, wishes upon stars...I didn't even realize how much of a thing that was until I went looking for an excerpt and kept coming up with more and more and more of them.

In the end, I decided there were too many to chose between. But it's a really good book (if I do say so myself) so maybe you should just get it and read it for yourself. lol

Touch of a Vanished Hand

Oberon Book 5.0

 Sinead Quinn has always been something of a drifter.   But now, with her ex-husband trying to blackmail her, and her ex-boyfriend's widow trying to put her in jail, she has no choice but to go to ground.  What better place to hide than with your family?   After all, what are sisters for?  Especially when you're a twin.


But the first rule of hiding out, is to keep a low profile.  And that does not mean kissing your sister's boyfriend (even if he can't tell the two of you apart); rescuing a troubled teen; or taking a highly visible job as hostess of Oberon's most celebrated new inn.


 Adam Sasso has always dreamed big.  But big dreams beget big complications.  First, his goal to turn the vineyard he inherited from his grandfather into a world-class winery is threatened by a mysterious saboteur.  Next, his plan to run the finest bed & breakfast Oberon has ever seen, is broadsided by a hostess who wants to run him.  Finally, it seems his fondest wish, of finding love-everlasting with the soul mate of his dreams, is about to go up in smoke when he can't convince her that they're destined to be together.


 This summer, it's going to take all the wizardry in Oberon to craft a happy ending for the drifter and the dreamer.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Mug Shot: Nashville Mug


So. No surprise here. I bought this mug on a recent trip to Nashville. What is somewhat surprising, is that I haven't gotten a chance to use it. It's been entirely commandeered by my husband. 

He loves this mug almost as much as he did Nashville.  

I've visited Nashville twice now and I actually do have a Nashville-set story in the works. It's a spin-off from the Heartwood Texas stories that I'm releasing next year. 

Not sure yet when  the Nashville story will make it into print. But I'll keep you posted. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

New Release! Touch of a Vanished Hand is out!

Touch of a Vanished Hand

Oberon Book 5.0

PG Forte

Paranormal Romantic Suspense

 Sinead Quinn has always been something of a drifter.   But now, with her ex-husband trying to blackmail her, and her ex-boyfriend's widow trying to put her in jail, she has no choice but to go to ground.  What better place to hide than with your family?   After all, what are sisters for?  Especially when you're a twin.


But the first rule of hiding out, is to keep a low profile.  And that does not mean kissing your sister's boyfriend (even if he can't tell the two of you apart); rescuing a troubled teen; or taking a highly visible job as hostess of Oberon's most celebrated new inn.


 Adam Sasso has always dreamed big.  But big dreams beget big complications.  First, his goal to turn the vineyard he inherited from his grandfather into a world-class winery is threatened by a mysterious saboteur.  Next, his plan to run the finest bed & breakfast Oberon has ever seen, is broadsided by a hostess who wants to run him.  Finally, it seems his fondest wish, of finding love-everlasting with the soul mate of his dreams, is about to go up in smoke when he can't convince her that they're destined to be together.


 This summer, it's going to take all the wizardry in Oberon to craft a happy ending for the drifter and the dreamer.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Mug Shot: Sunflower Mug


My grandson asked me to get this mug because it reminded him of the sunflowers that grow in my yard every summer--and that he and I love. That's it, really. not the most inspired post, but it's a very pretty mug and the sunflowers are in bloom. So this is a nice mug to drink my coffee out of whilst sitting in my yard enjoying the flowers. 

Except not today, since apparently we're expecting a hurricane--something I never had to worry about in California. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Mug Shot: Destin Beach Mug


So I got this mug on a recent trip to Florida. I'd lived in Florida in the very early Oughts, and this was practically the first time I'd been back since. I assume the reason I picked this mug (well, one of them) is obvious: With it's bare clay (sand colored) bottom and the translucent turquoise glaze above, i t looks like the beach. The second reason is less obvious, although I've mentioned before that I've been loving that glaze combination lately, and now have several like it. 

The picture was taken outside our hotel in Fort Walton Beach. They have a little tiny (possibly faux) beach for guests. We were right across the parking lot from The Shack, which is a cute little place, right on the water, live music at night (live music at night even when you're in the hotel across the parking lot trying to sleep, but it was a Friday night and the music wasn't bad, so it was fine) and possibly the best Key Lime Pie you'll ever eat. Our waitress (Whitney) said she has a friend from the keys who agrees with that assessment. So, there you have it.  

Whenever I think of Florida, I think of this song that I used to listen to when we knew we were moving there--and out of the Best. House. Ever. in Paso Robles, CA.  I cried when we crossed the border on our way out of California, and cried again (from happiness) when I drove back two years later (you can read more about that HERE).

Now, I'm living in Texas. I'm still adjusting to that.