Monday, May 13, 2024

Mug Shot Monday: Jade's Mug


I bet you thought that, it being the day after Mother's Day, I'd post a mug that belonged to my mother. But nope! I've gone the other way. Here's a mug that belongs to my daughter-in-law. She's a mother, after all, so why not?  Also she's British and loves tea so there's another reason. 

This mug is fabulous. It's part of a set of dishes--their only set, because they're as minimalist when it comes to things like that as I am...well, NOT minimalist. Like, not at all. I admire the aesthetic. I admire the fuck out of it. But I couldn't maintain that lifestyle if my life depended on it. 

Anyway, their current house style is very Modern Gothic Chic, and I'm a huge fan.

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